About us

Unleash the unparalleled power of mathematics

The vision of Your Science Luxembourg | Mathematical Consulting is to harness the enormous potential of mathematics, data, and algorithms to equip decision-makers with reliable scientific insights for informed choices.

Our primary mission is to deeply understand our clients’ challenges and draw on our extensive experience and expertise to provide them with creative solutions. We employ a scientific and interdisciplinary approach, integrating not only the customer’s domain knowledge but also our problem-solving skills and a fresh perspective, to develop tractable models for real-world problems and deliver robust outcomes.

Whether your company faces mathematical or seemingly unrelated challenges, reach out to us – we will lend a helping hand and assist you in finding valuable and resilient answers.



Years in Academia

Including co-founding and direction of the Math Department and of 5 curricula at the University of Luxembourg


Years in Industry

Expertise in quality optimization, supply chain development, and project management


Research Papers

Significant contributions to mathematical research and scholarship


Research Projects

Leadership in comprehensive, multi-year research initiatives


Citing Fields

Impact across diverse disciplines, including Global Analysis, Quantum Theory, General Relativity, Computer Science, and Numerical Analysis


Global Academic Presentations

Lectures in post-doctoral seminars and at research centers worldwide


Mentored Scholars

Supervision and coaching for a new generation of researchers in mathematics


International Research Events

Orchestrated major international gatherings in the research community

Our Values and Guarantees

Upholding integrity and assurance in every step


  • Professionalism
  • Effectiveness
  • Transparency
  • Reliability
  • Customer Collaboration
  • Dedication
  • Ethical Practices


  • Commitment: 
We are committed to delivering the best possible results and ensuring your success

  • Scalability: For large projects, we augment our core team with project-based members possessing skills tailored to your needs

  • Partnerships: In particularly complex cases, we discuss our approach with external colleagues, always with the prior approval of our client

  • Reporting: 
Our reports are comprehensive, including detailed information to facilitate your thorough review

  • Flexibility:
 We consistently meet our standards and proactively seek alternative solutions on the rare occasions adjustments are necessary

Our Team

Meet the experts behind your solution

Prof. Dr. Norbert Poncin

Mathematics and Training

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Prof. Dr. Norbert Poncin

Mathematics and Training

Norbert is a Luxembourgish mathematician, who was originally educated as a mathematical analyst and has worked extensively in partial differential equations (PDEs) at the University of Liège. His Master’s thesis focused on the propagation of singularities in boundary value problems (BVPs) for dynamic hyperbolic systems. Applying the finite element method (FEM), his subsequent dissertation addressed BVPs for complex elliptic systems of PDEs. For his doctoral thesis, he explored mathematical quantization, while his post-doctoral education at the Polish Academy of Sciences strongly emphasized theoretical physics and its models.

Norbert has served as a Full Professor of Mathematics at the University of Luxembourg for more than 25 years and collaborated with more than 25 foreign professors and post-doctoral scholars. He has organized numerous academic events, notably approximately 10 international research meetings and over 20 research seminars focusing on theories, frameworks, concepts and models in Physics and Engineering. Beyond a substantial publication record in Differential Geometry, Algebraic Topology, and related disciplines, he has contributed roughly 25 papers to the fields of Mathematical Physics and Quantum Theory.

He was the leading instructor for over 20 university courses. Spanning a diverse spectrum of subjects, including mathematical analysis, probability theory, inferential statistics, point and solid dynamics, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics, mechanics of deformable solids, fluid dynamics, special relativity, quantum physics, geometric methods in mathematical physics, and supersymmetric models, his teaching portfolio underscores his extensive experience in applied aspects of mathematics. His main interest is currently mathematical modeling in synergy with data and algorithms.

Dr. Raymonde Scheuren

Coaching and Data Analysis

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Dr. Raymonde Scheuren

Coaching and Data Analysis

Raymonde contributes a diverse array of expertise to our team, overseeing coaching activities, client-focused solutions, behavioral modeling, while cooperating on data-related inquiries and addressing legal issues.

With a Research Master’s degree in Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience from the University of Maastricht, complemented by a Doctorate in Psychobiology and Psychophysiology from the University of Luxembourg and further post-doctoral education in Paris, Raymonde has accumulated twelve years of academic engagement, encompassing over seven years of research experience. Her previous role as Senior Researcher in Pain Disorders at the Institute of Health & Behavior honed her skills in understanding human behavior and brain function.

In addition to her academic achievements, Raymonde has navigated a dual career path. She has held leadership roles in law and public service, including Vice President of the European Union of Rechtspfleger and membership on the Executive Committee of the Luxembourg General Confederation of Public Service.

Currently, Raymonde operates as a psychotherapist while remaining actively involved in research. Her expertise extends beyond her primary fields of biological psychology and behavioral therapy to include proficiency in data analysis, enhancing her ability to develop evidence-based strategies and solutions. Fluent in English, French, and German, she adeptly communicates complex ideas and collaborates effectively across diverse teams.

Dipl.-Ing. Waldemar Penner

Engineering and Management

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Dipl.-Ing. Waldemar Penner

Engineering and Management

Waldemar, originally trained as an industrial mechanic in systems technology, embarked on the ‘zweiten Bildungsweg’ to earn his engineering diploma from the Georg-Simon-Ohm Polytechnical Institute in Nuremberg. During his studies, Waldemar’s thesis work at MAN Truck and Bus provided valuable hands-on experience, enriching his theoretical knowledge with practical application. Further, he completed an industry semester at the technology corporation ZF Friedrichshafen AG, deepening his understanding of industrial processes and systems.

In addition to his engineering diploma, Waldemar holds certifications as a Quality Management Specialist from the Technical Inspection Association of the Rheinland, as well as certifications as a coach for Continuous Improvement Processes and as a Six Sigma practitioner. His expertise in Six Sigma methodologies enables him to optimize business processes by reducing defects, minimizing variation, and enhancing overall quality and efficiency.

With over a decade of experience, Waldemar has assumed various roles including project engineer, quality manager, and supply chain developer. His extensive experience spans across companies such as BMW AG, Conti Temic microelectronic GmbH, Valeo Siemens eAutomotive GmbH, and Continental Engineering Services.

In our team, Waldemar’s role includes overseeing projects, establishing quality control processes, and serving as a client liaison to understand needs and requirements. He bridges real-world challenges with mathematical solutions, integrating computational engineering skills to craft practical and effective strategies.


From Norbert’s tenure as a university professor

“I want to thank my supervisor Norbert Poncin, especially for his patience, for sharing his insights with me and for all the things, which I learned from him: They range from derived geometry to teaching methods which sparkle interest in maths and the art of explaining things in a structured manner. I am deeply grateful to him as he always saw my potential and gave me inspiration 
and motivation.”

PhD student

“I want to thank my PhD advisor N. Poncin for all the time he dedicated to my education. I much appreciate his valuable support, as well as the relaxed but stimulating atmosphere which he is able to create within his research group. I am specially thankful for all the efforts he put into the revision of my manuscripts, which led to significant improvements.”

PhD student

“First and foremost, I wish to thank my first supervisor Norbert Poncin, for his extensive contributions of time, energy and ideas, as well as for having provided me the most optimal working conditions.”

PhD student

“My second special thank you is dedicated to Professor Norbert Poncin. Thank you, Norbert, for this good training, your advice, your stimulation and understanding. What can I say when words are not enough to express all the gratitude I owe you. We both know that this work is what it is thanks to you. And for this I owe you my deepest respect and humblest THANK YOU.”

PhD student

“I want to give very special thanks to Norbert Poncin. I learnt from him supergeometry in the best possible way. He enriched my doctoral experience with clear knowledge, kind guidance and his strongly essential role in our research group.”

PhD student

“The completion of this dissertation has been a long journey. First and foremost I want to thank my advisor N. Poncin. I much appreciated all his contributions of time, energy, ideas, and encouragements, which made my PhD experience stimulating and productive. In the middle of the storm, he believed in me and he helped me to get out. I am also thankful for the excellent working conditions he provided for his research group ‘Geometry, Algebra and Physics’, without which parts of this work would not have been possible.”

PhD student

“I would like to thank my supervisor Prof. Dr. Norbert Poncin for his dedication and continuous support. With his enthusiasm for supergeometry and his outstanding ability to explain complex concepts in a simple way he guided me through this project and helped me develop a strong interest for supergeometry in connection with my thesis and beyond.”

Master student

“The mathematics department has really grown into my heart during my studies, including … and Professor Poncin, with whom I want to share this information.”

Master student

“Dear Professor Poncin, … By this occasion, I also want to thank you sincerely for the organization of this seminar, whose requirements helped a lot to develop an initial confidence in my mathematical abilities.”

Master student

“A special thank you goes to Professor Norbert Poncin, without whom this thesis would not have reached this stage of precision and accuracy, for his support and his detailed and comprehensive explanations.”

Master student

“Dear Prof. Poncin, I would like to thank you for the nice words during the graduation ceremony… You have been an inspiration for me during my studies and still are.”

Master student

“I would like to express deep gratitude to Prof. Norbert Poncin. I have greatly benefited from the lecture course ‘Superalgebra and Supergeometry’ he gave at the University of Luxembourg in fall 2009, as well as from all the enriching discussions I could have with him.”

Master student

“Dear Prof. Poncin, please find attached the final version of our document… We would like to use this email to thank you for the inspiring lectures you gave to us in the past three semesters.”

Master student

“Dear Professor Poncin, I wanted to thank you for the wonderful lecture this morning. The perfect balance between developments based on technical yet simple computations, recalling statements we have previously seen, and giving us insight into the work of scientists have made today’s lecture highly enjoyable!”

Master student

“Bonjour Monsieur Poncin, … Au-delà de la partie ‘contenu’ du cours, j’ai été très impressionné par la pédagogie dont vous avez fait preuve lors de l’enseignement de cette matière : voix haute et intelligible, écriture très lisible, gestion efficace de l’espace du tableau, et surtout votre capacité à ne devoir recourir à aucune note de référence lors des cours. Ce sont des qualités que je ne me souviens pas avoir connues chez mes professeurs … (du moins pas toutes en même temps).”

Master student

“I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation towards my supervisor, Prof. Dr. Norbert Poncin, who has always supported and patiently guided me throughout this Master Thesis project.”

Master student

“Je tiens à remercier le Professeur N. Poncin pour son soutien et ses explications détaillées, qui m’ont permis de comprendre et de traiter ce thème, aussi intéressant qu’exigeant, le mieux possible.”

Bachelor student

“Je tiens à remercier vivement le Professeur N. Poncin pour m’avoir suggéré ce travail intéressant et pour les discussions enrichissantes que j’ai pu avoir avec lui.”

Bachelor student

“It was a very nice conference. Usually, I hate going to conferences… Here it was different!”

Conference participant

“Thank you again for this wonderful conference! I enjoyed it very much.”

Conference participant

“Après notre retour…, j’ai laissé un message sur votre répondeur téléphonique pour vous remercier et vous dire combien j’ai apprécié ce colloque. Je confirme ! Je suis en train de revoir mes notes et de lire quelques articles ou preprints associés aux thèmes des exposés.”

Conference participant

“Merci nach eng Kéier fir déi ganz schéin, instruktiv an interessant Konferenz organiséiert ze hunn – et war an aller Hisiicht ganz flott!”

Conference participant

“Thank you for your efforts. I really appreciated the conference.”

Conference participant

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